Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Design Costumes On Poptropica

Tsukicon - Part 1 - * The journey there + anything that went wrong *

I begin with this entry gg to get most of the negative things that pass before I move on to the actual concert / artist posts. ^ ^
For ... how much I wish I could say that this trip was completely fantastic, I can not say it, a lot was not like I expected and it has been on tempting both mentally and physically.
But I'll take all the negative that happened and categorize it in my brain during the "useful experience" because it was there.

It was crazy excited to fly for the first time, all of the airports went well. I Do not lose me, and everything flowed smoothly.
From London to Helsinki so I felt a bit cold sweat just before the plane started and began to roll ... the anxiety of sitting strapped and not able to do something maybe?
But on the plane were all peaceful people ... representatives of 80 + and Barnie 10 years old .... so I kept myself very calm with me ^ ^
No adverse effects of the flight, I was not ^ ^ so big plus.

Everything that went wrong (point form):

* On Euro Hostel that I stayed on so it was nice! I would definitely be able to stay there again. I had a bed in a room with two beds. I lived with a middle-aged estonisk woman who did not respect other people's sleeping habits. She speaks neither English or Swedish.
She comes in the middle of the night on Friday, light bulbs and turn on the radio (which she has while she is asleep) ... In addition, she throats a beer and drink raw eggs .... yay: (. I slept between 4-5 hours every three nights xD

* The weather sucked the entire stay ... rainy, windy and cold ... Especially when you queue up a total of about 3-4 hours per day that you were there! XD ... So now I have a cold (fever & sore throat)

* ALL INFO + Lectures + Q & A (question & answering) was FINNISH despite a lot of foreign visitors Maker ... So .... the info if something should be given in two languages anyway!

* Find the show was not as it used to be :(... and NO PHOTOS WERE ALLOWED! BIG MINUS!

* Fully uppfuckat queue before the concert! (Tell us more about it in the post about ALSDEAD)

* My diet burst big time!

* Have not been able to study something and feel stressed about it

So there ... now I have got it out of me ... but the minuses with FIND show and around queuing for the concert was the greatest and will be explained more in the near future.

Mata ne!


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