Sunday, April 25, 2010

How To Build Guy Fawkes

wildebeest - a vision (old poem)

This is not a day when I should sit down and newly composed one. Must read Dutch, namely.

Old poem here. Right fun thing, I think almost.

wildebeest - a vision

11 324 wildebeest
loose in Gothenburg galaxies

They appeared quite suddenly.
No one knew where they came from
No one saw them iofs
materialize out of thin air
but it was hard to see how
it might otherwise have gone to.

God or the devil was pleased joke
It was obviously a tragedy
but many found it hard to resist
laugh. There was


still at least a profoundly positive aspect
God (or devil)

It's something anyway.

Mark Birro writes,
frantically, hexameters.
He feels certain that the situation requires
He sits on a folding chair unpainted
close by the Press Bureau of the Fine Arts
with a pencil in his hand
that he not taken the time to sharpen
and three in reserve between the teeth.
It is very dangerous
a vulnerable position, wildebeest everywhere
not very logical in any way
yet case.

What Peter has been up to?
know damn well not me!
He tends well his mustache or something.
(thus no bad yarn,
all credit to Peter B!
This is not meant
to smear someone.)

backs. Backs and scream. And snow!
The overall impression.

My words. It's
- as the poet says -
always a matter of perspective.

And I can personally do not write
hexameters. No, that is, I ...
I mean I've never iofs
tried, but ... yes. You must forgive,

(Forgiveness is good, generally.
general. I think.)

and gargoyles watching
there are gargoyles in Gothenburg,
knew ye well?
One of them usually
(at night, when he thinks nobody is watching
sit and talk with Charles
Felix Lindberg statue.

The statue is nerrusad now.
vandals, di where wildebeest!
no sense of culture ...

Fixed statue have got his revenge,
3 wildebeest lying there dead


wounds and ridges,
wounds and ridges and snow

but the snow has started melting away now
in blood, shit and vilset trampling.

It is of course a tragedy.

Possibly wildebeest created
to a deeply symbolic level
(and just because more than concrete,
and magic)
personify the concept attractively ugly.

One thing is anyway safe?
They have not created the slush
and hardly for the cobblestone either.

Cracking -
but God is in all cases
humor and the stuff will find some solace.

There are no unfortunately no superheroes -
it seems.

For some it is a philosophy of luxury.
It has been called emergency meetings
with Goran Johansson
whose skin problems get worse by the stress.
Martial law has been issued.
Hunters? The military (the hell with K4)? Water?
An atmosphere of efficiency
though they in fact will not
Anyone thinking of Kurt Wallander.
'Sure the hell is there a resemblance! "
Someone starts laughing.
There is coffee and pastries.

But why should the devil have humor?

There are stories, type:
'67-year-old Hedda Pettersson
about to play cards with
Mansour from Iran ... '

Hedda is important, as all.

The screaming wildebeest are
(cliche terms)

in the ongoing symphony
is a fundamental Meeting
sounds of bones cracking
it sounds like samba

One can imagine
a slightly irregular countdown
7412 ...
7409 ...
7367, etc.
But if you say this:
The circumstances are not optimal
for reproduction.

some point does it end,
more or less,
for good or for ill.

Or not.
Strange things have happened before.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pain Down Left Side Of Neck


Borrowing an introduction from the English Wikipedia article on this subject , " Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting." Quite interesting stuff. I mentioned about a year ago on this blog having played for a bit in an online Nomic in Swedish on . I had to get out of this because of time concerns. Recently I've been looking into this a bit again, and it is a bit dangerous actually to someone like me. Quite addictive, even just reading. Still, I think this time I won't fully remove myself from it. I'll stay away from other instances, but I'll keep an eye on and a finger in the Nomic on English Wikiversity, which you can read more about below. That's almost work :), quite fun (especially if YOU come play with us!), and doesn't have to take much time really. I've also posted to a discussion thread ("Constitution") that's turning into a game on this Nomic Facebook fansite , but I think I'll stay in the background there, possibly not even keep reading (though it's not high-volume at the moment).

Now to repeat the plug for Wikiversity Nomic I posted to the Facebook group:

The following is currently on the page " Nomic " on English Wikiversity . Participation, whether casual and temporary or with the intention of becoming more seriously involved, is very welcome. I am personally responsible for quite a bit of the silliness in the current ruleset, but not all (elur sdrawkcab eht htiw od ot gnihton dah I). It should probably be stressed that it doesn't have to be quite that silly if that's not what people want. It's not even the only thing I'm interested in - I do quite like the idea of a "Learning from Nomic project" - which is what this ultimately is.

There's not really a big, active community - but maybe we can change that! And, well, two people have been reasonably active relatively recently (we've also had a restart of the Nomic), and at least I am still watching.

It is, basically (as you can probably figure out), a "ruleset that anyone can edit". Still, it's probably best to follow the advice about the talk page - at least introduce yourself.


From Wikiversity

Rules [ edit ]

1. In this nomic, there are ANIMALS (a specific abstract entity type introduced by the rules which are not real world animals). At no time may there be an ANIMAL known as the Ostrich.
2. All game rules that break this game rule and break the continued playability of this game are ignorable. The first version of this game rule defined at the start of this game is in play at all times and can be restored by anyone at anytime regardless of game state.
3. Anyone who interacts with the game is a player, you know, except players that become non-players by not adding a rule for 1 hour.
4. A player cannot win this game. A non-player cannot lose this game.
5. Changes to the rule set are effective 3 seconds before they are made.
6. There is an ANIMAL known as the Ostrich. It should not be considered to "break" rule 1.
7. .elur a evomer ot eerga sreyalp lla sselnu dewollof eb tsum sdrawkcab nettirw seluR
8. Whatever is listed under the "Rules" heading on this wiki page shall count as the current ruleset of this game, with the exception of special provisions made for the original version of rule 1 and this additional exception: If an edit is made that obviously violates the ruleset as it looked just before the edit was made, the full ruleset from before that edit can always be reinstated. This rule can only be changed or removed by agreement of two players and two non-players. RESET BUTTON: This addition to rule 8 is made unilaterally by a single player, and is thus illegal. The version of the rules immediately preceding this addition, linked here for convenience, may thus be reinstated at any point in the game that uses the current version of rule 8., or any rule with words to the same effect.
Note (purely for clarification, and not part of any rule): What this rule refers to as "the original version of rule one is, when this is written, in the current rules as rule 2 (with one very small change in comparison with the original rule, which can be found here ). If you think this is overly silly or confusing, please make any legal changes to the rules that you find appropriate.
13. If and when anything or anyone is declared to have "won" the game, provided this "win" is determined to be legal by the rules in effect at that time, a vote shall be held on Talk:Nomic to establish that the win is "not too boring". In this vote, any human on Earth is entitled to vote exactly once if they are aware of the vote and have the technical means available to edit the page either themselves or by proxy. The exact definition of "boring" to be considered, even if it is unusual, is determined by each individual voter with regard to their own vote. "Too boring" means "too boring to be allowed in this particular case". The vote is held open for a week. When the vote is closed, if there is a simple majority of votes to the effect that the win is "not too boring" it becomes official; in any other case it becomes void. This rule may only be changed or removed after a vote using the same rules has determined that it is "too boring". When this rule Comes Into Effect, The Ostrich wins the game.
14th There is an ANIMAL known as the rabbit. It Should Be Considered to "break the rule 6th

What We've Learned [ edit ]

Many things are learned through nomic, things bothering serious and comic.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Placement Of Drapery Tiebacks

Homepage: saved!

My old geocitiessida are back online, as promised (but delayed the oh so long)! Mostly in English, not very updated. Effective internal links - that I had, then I discovered that not a few of them included "" - thought would be harder to get to than it actually was.

address is:

Three old Wikipedia Research memorabilia and a shape poem in their "correct" form has thus regained a home on ; online:
Project schematic: Text Analytical studies of the Swedish Wikipedia (part of my application to the Department of Culture and Communication at Linköping University), "Project Method long" (details of various additional "sub-surveys" I expected as part of a larger Wikipedia - projects; deleted from Linköping application, not really a finished text), Wikipedia is a debate forum ( textual analysis of the Swedish Wikipedia article "Gothenburg riots" (individual final task for the course & rdquo ; Text Theory and text analysis "of the Department of Swedish, Fall 2007; long and partly [?] brushy, some minor theoretical miss - but hopefully some sensible thoughts and observations, using Norman Faircloughs model for critical discourse analysis), and so the poem then, " Questions ".

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What Words Do You Write In Christening Card

conference links

Not really much time for blogging at the moment. What I'll do is just link to the webpages of two wiki-related conferences, one of which I've been to (not presenting) and one where I hope I can present something when it comes around in July. To not crash my schedule more than necessary I'll just give the "raw" links, stating that you can find interesting content through both of them, and promise I'll try to get back to this in a later post.