Yep, last post for 2010 ... I've been blogging for a while now ... would like to take it to a new level, but this writing, I like. Moreover, it is most of my friends and family so that they keep an eye on me when I do not respond so well in the cell phone xD.
What, then, my plans / hopes for the coming year?
* I would like to see Mr. J as often as I have done this fall / winter ^ ^
* I will continue to receive at least a passing on my courses at Dalarna University
* In 2011, I know if I go to Japan as an exchange student during the fall 2011 or spring 2012!
* On summer holidays I'm going away to Belgium and practice for the frame Events ... still do not know when or for how long;)
* I hope my first convention - Rencon - will be successful
* I hope to see Versailles again ... well ... hope you can always right? : P
* Will start reading Japanese on campus for the fall
* Want to get me my first tattoo! (OO)
* I'll see more Japanese artists / concerts!
I also hope that 2011 will be a successful year for all of you who read this also ^ ^
Mata ne!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Craigslist Large Format Lens
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Learn To Suck Your Own
I remember I did a similar look back at 2009 ... but I can not remember exactly what I wrote and do not go back and check out: P.
2010 has been a very eventful year for me ... 2010, for me to be the year when I grabbed my future after 3 years of "what should I be when I grow up?" - thinking. It was not a waste of time ... but you wish of course that you've made the decision earlier, but on the other hand, it was not the time "ripe" until this year.
2010 has been my most important years since 2005 when I decided to change school and move up to Mr. J in Ostersund. I do not know if I've ever been so productive and framåtgå ; only as this year. I feel like I have been at rest for several years and now suddenly awakened, I dispense with no energy anymore ... it will be invested, resisted and overcome all the way, until I feel ready. I've grown a lot as an individual and feel strong in myself.
Wish I could sense this and be equally determined about my weight ... .... jaja ... hopefully this will change my lifestyle To facilitate the thing for me.
* Investigated and entered the Training & in Falun
* Initiated collaboration with envelope Events
* Saw INVENT Uppcon
* Saw Versailles in Oslo
* Saw FIND & Alsdead in Helsinki
* Went for the first time by air to another country
* Rated new friends both at local the two and four legs ^ ^
* Met IKIS
* Went up to my Grandma & Grandpa in Norrland
* Me and Mr. J have celebrated our six years as a couple days ^ ^
* Mr. J has worked throughout the year and will probably get a permanent position soon
* practiced at a restaurant and bondgå rd summer
* was forced to move away from Mr. J and my beloved cats T_T ... do not want to be the girlfriend!
* Have not been able to meet IKIS as much as I wanted ... also, she moved very far from me * sob * *
got no summer job & therefore had to spend a whole summer in the employment services service xD
* Did take a new loan from CSN
* Have not lost those pounds that I want to get rid of .... with the oldest story in the book of female life * sigh *
So there ... there we have it ... now I go to bed.
Will I think of something more I'll update this list tomorrow or the day after ... there will be a post soon about my outlook for the upcoming 2011 and also the new decade ^^... for anyone who cares: P
Mata ne!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Coprocessor Windows 7 V6000
Right now, I and Mr. J of the preparations to go into Karlstad on post-Christmas sales ... I got some money that I or other earmarked to renew the contents of my closet ^__^, so hope I will find fun things now. By Mr. J, I got 500 crowns gift cards at Gina Tricot.
Christmas has come and gone, Christmas was celebrated at home with my family and Christmas Day with Mr. J's relatives. I got lots of lovely Christmas presents as a name-cup, deodorant, tea, a blanket, plate, money, and some other stuff ^ ^, thanks everyone! And not to mention all the yummy Christmas food and Christmas candy (O__O) nom nom nom.
only drawback I find is that time passes too quickly ... (T_T) ... I always want to spend time with family more than I do, but, but.
Then I bought a really geeky Christmas gift to myself ... I won on ebay
- All Silver Fang manganese, 1'a edition printed from 1984 to 1986 in Japanese ... and yes, I plan to read page by page, although it will take time ... sometime you should well learn the language: P
Mata ne!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I-catcher Console – Web Monitor Toilet
This anime is from 1979 .... so it is a classic you should have seen long ago: P. It took me less than 3 days to see through all 40 episodes (OO).
I liked it, it is something very cozy and nostalgic, which looms over cartoon style and the characters.
main character is Lady Oscar, a girl brought up to a boy and who works for Queen Antoinette in the military from age 14 until the French Revolution.
The special thing about Lady Oscar is that it's not a secret that she is a woman - those who work with her know about it and accept it. Oscar is a tough and strong female role model with anrda words ^ ^.
anime speaks for itself so put up the intro + LAREINE cover of the intro (LAREINE = Kamijo from Versailles .... you understand that Kamijo must have liked this series;)
(when LIG uploading anime intro)
\u0026lt;/ lj-embed>
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thule Lock Cylinder Installation
I do like the last and before last year: first What did you do in 2010 That you'd never done Before? I got a degree! I went to a lesbian marriage. second Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? No. 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Define close! I know I didn't ... 4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes, at least genetically speaking. 5. What countries did you visit? England , thrice! 6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? More money? A career? My own place to live? 7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finishing my thesis. Getting my degree at last. 8. What was y our big gest failure? I slept a lot. 9. Did you suffer illness or injury? No. Well I had a cold and a couple of bouts of fever. 10. What was the best thing you bought? My Dr. Martens , the first in years. My Sheffield University hoodie. So warm. And Nars Heat Wave lipstick ... 11. Where did most of your money go? Clothes and cocktails. And make-up. And books. And films. And bus tickets. 12. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Eh. The Mountain Goats' cover of Sometimes I Still Feel the Bruise? 13. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? Ähhh, a) Possibly the same? b) Possibly fatter. c) About the same or possibly richer. (I'm still employed, mind.) 14. What do you wish you’d done more of? Networking . Being pro-active. 15. What do you wish you’d done less of? Sleeping. But then again I like sleeping! 16. What was the best book you read? I didn't read a lot. Hmm. Lots of poetry. 17. What did you want and get? A degree ... 18. What did you want and not get? More money? A super rich husband? A better job? 19. What kept you sane? Thé à la menthe et au jasmin. Bien sûr. And the rose tea. And sparkling wine! Music! Good people. 20th Who did you miss? All the good people att do not live where I live! Even more champagne evenings ... Ursäkta att formatting sucks. Fetstil och italics holes on buller. Beyond my control!
Beer Can Quality Colors On Bottom
resented presents bustle proud year julklapp, tillika year Taramascara -låtlista för 2010:
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Cnps10x Extreme Vs Cooler Master V10
Well ... my blog drought continues ... have lost the urge to write this and do not really know why: (. But here goes anyway a post before Christmas: P
Yesterday I was invited by Xina to dinner (she and Bruce got engaged), it was me and 10 Chinese people ... and when it is time to start getting food, they say:
"First you ..."
"Why should I take first?"
"You are the only foreigner here !".... ... WTF XD! HAHAHA! ... It's Britsen baby! : P
And today I baked a Pizza ... and I do not think I have made it so good in my life. The bottom was thin, crispy and I had the mozzarella, shrimp and sundried tomatoes.
I grab the poor Italian kid who comes into the kitchen and asks him to try and say what he thinks.
He thought it was 1000 times better than those you could buy at pizzerias herein Town! (OO) ... but not as good as pizza in Italy of course ... but he was impressed. Cool review ^ ^ hehe
Tomorrow I will post the lecture and take me away to book a performer, doing Falun (who booked Dir en Grey to Sweden) and'll discuss some Japanese artists. Nothing concrete, I will just tell him my plans and he thing to listen ... but that's enough for me ^ ^
I yearn for Christmas ...
Mata ne!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pokemon Fire Red Cheats Gpsphone
We åkte till Oslo. (Chord too fast. Drove too fast. Drove too fast.)
Best Gay Cruising Spots In Texas
Okay, I continue to write well about music, music and music ... Have finally started to listen to Pascal , which I think everyone else should do! Très early Reeperbahn , which of course never, ever wrong. In addition, they, like British Sea Power (at least used to have), one penchant for stuffed animals. And they come from Gotland , at least at times, which of course is fun for Gotland .
Pascal and the bird!
Sister band Scream is awful listening offense.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How Long Plan B Stays In Your System For How Long
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pokemon Emerald For Mac
If this were a dream that would be fucking awesome to wake me now: P
When something is too good to be True, one can simply conclude that it is not true ... but I intend to ride out the wave and look at the beach ... I end up with the cannibals or the treasure chest with + waiting helicopter: P
So ... Today is the FEAST! Good thing there is "Dare to Refuse Winter" at the student union today ... so that you have people to party with: P
skipped away on lolipop-lane in cotton candy land and ended up somehow on the monopoly the Falun center ^ ^.
I found the day's second best of luck - Sparkling Sake from Japan! (OO) 75 SEK - temporary storage.
Name: Hou Hou Shu - sparkling sake
Description: Hou Hou Shu sparkling sake is, with a second fermentation in the bottle, like Champagne. It gives fresh spritzy of naturally carbonated with fine floral fruitiness of white peach and slight sweetness
Hope e good! ... The bottle should be saved anyway ^ ^
Mata ne!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Spark Plugs Diagram 2001 Ford Mustang
Yes, then we draw some updates ^ ^
* Traded Today most of the Christmas meal, which I will invite my neighbors corridor on December 11 ^^... This month will be quite tough economic S. But I e're not the only one ...
* Pocket VG on my second exam! ^ ^ .. PAFF was really because we are about 60 people in the class of which 15 had VG (OO). The margin was narrow with ... got to 21-24, it was VG (of which 24 are full marks). I will now be a bit un-Swedish and say I'm proud of myself! : P
* During week 49 or week 50, the tickets to Rencon released! ^ ^
* Have now ordered a ticket to Filipstad December 22
* What will happen this weekend? --- No idea ....
* got now reply from frame Events, so sometime in the summer of 2011 I will travel to Belgium and practicing with them. How happy I am about this ?.... very happy ^ ^. START SAVING NOW IN OTHER WORDS!
Mata ne!