Monday, May 31, 2010

Kc Powersports 110cc Dirt Bike

A veteran says goodbye.

Now we drink no more tea from this mug = (

You will be missed until the day you get replaced by an equally good mug, preferably one exactly the same!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Stem Cell For Hair Regrowth


It is what it ä r. That we do not have this kind of great advertising longer.

These old advertisements are among the best I've seen in ages. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vc-211a Green Light Wont Turn On

I am not Entirely Happy.

Sorry to tell you. I've been in a lot of stress over work for a long time and also worrying about other things; I'm lonely as hell in Belgium; and unresolved self-confidence issues that have been with me since always are growing and taking over.

This much I need to share right now rather than giving the impression that everything is ok. I am tempted to give more details but I think I need to think a bit more about what I should be saying in a public medium. But you can certainly ask. Eventually, I may say more here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

On The Sims 2 Pc Do You Get To Have A Pram

Did you know ...

Snorkels this compilation from projO / goth barbie , and it is also available at http : / / / vissteduatt.

Did you know ...

... journalists today can not uphold its legal obligation to keep sources secret, because it can not to ensure that the State does not intercept the communication?

... just like the ICA know what products you tend to act as the State will soon know who you socialize with, what views you have and what you usually makes your day?

... Telia Sonera moved their mail servers to Finland because the Finnish legislation does not permit the government listens citizens?

... just by seeing what contacts you have up you can see what your sexual orientation?

... FBI may be able to obtain information regarding "unlawful military activity"?

... the police should be breaking into people's computers and install hidden software, which reports every keystroke via the internet connection?

... today's copyright is a form of copying restrictions, which can not be maintained with other than monitoring of people's digital communication?

... there is great risk that the collected information into the wrong uh commit?

... there are preschools in Sweden to record pupils' attendance down at the minute?

... FRA is legally authorized to transfer your contacts (address book, surfing habits, etc, also known as socio-grams) to similar authorities the world over? s-reglerat.html

... FRA is a separate section of the Data Protection Act, which entitles them to collect everything about you and disclose to a foreign power?

... it is not permissible for employers to routinely monitor employees? But the same rules do not apply to the state. FRA has its own set of clauses in the Data Protection Act, which entitles them to routinely mass intercept and collect information on all residents.

... Google chose not to establish themselves in Sweden because of the FRA law and that Sweden thus were deprived of many IT jobs?

... an employee at FRA during the 70 - and 80-century and sold the information for the 20-million to Russia & NATO?

... on Data Retention Directive becomes law in Sweden, then each mobile's position at least six months?

... we A penny for a month would not bother to introduce data retention directive?

... not just Iran and China are blocking access to Wikileaks for its citizens. Australia does.

... so-called barrier filter on the Internet does not reduce the number of child pornography?

... the blocking of websites, such as child pornography-filters use, easy to circumvent?

... pornography censorship is fancy of collecting societies with the aim that it should be able OPERATION ; NDAS against file sharing?

... already on the ancient Greek period was talk of free knowledge?

... a del av pengarna du betalar för hårddiskar, CD och mp3-spelare går till underhållningsindustrin?

…dagens upphovsrätt innebär kopieringsförbud, som inte kan upprätthållas med annat än övervakning av människors internetkommunikation?

…artister kan tjäna på fildelning?

... discos were threatening eradicate dance bands in the 70's?

... revenue from the cinema in Sweden in 2009 was greater than ever before?

... more than 5.5 million moviegoers watched a Swedish movie last year, and the need to be ä ; nda back to the 1960s to find better numbers?

... Artists make more money now than they were ten years ago?

... file-sharers are film and music industry's biggest customers ?

... group Nine Inch Nails has distributed his music for free as well , topped the 's sales list?

... Machine Supremacy group became known worldwide because they gave away their music for free? This led to the latter got a record deal.

... France to shut off the air as the punishment for copyright violation, but that file sharing despite the increase?

... that anti-piracy agencies that have influenced legislation largely on several occasions has been without binding to find the information without being made accountable for it? channels "such as Spotify?

... violent crime not risen much or become coarser since the 90s?

... was fifth lex Maria cases due to lack of IT in health care?

... that changes in patent law can provide a better environment?

... over 7 million people in Africa do not get the medicine they need because of drug patents? -who-live-with-HIV-AIDS-308 025

... pharmaceutical patents is causing millions of people suffering and death? -who-live-with-HIV-AIDS-308 025

... Library of Alexandria devoted himself to copying and remix?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strawberry Daiquiri/margarita Without Alcohol

in the order it will

  1. Som vanligt - och det är rätt irriterande, eftersom jag ändå have some ambitions for this blog - I have some bad time to write, and I have done no more now with the time I first planned to write ... so I'll take what I have time. There are some things I've thought about ...
  2. This I could well confine myself to write on Facebook, maybe, but in all cases: the coming week, I am in Gothenburg. Gothenburg friends who might see it here and that I have not managed to contact some other way - let's see if we can get together?
  3. Pure earthquake going on in Wikimedia projects. (In other words Wikipedia and its "sister project" - I have written about dictionary Wiktionary here some time ago, for example - which are all located on Wikimedia Foundation servers.) How much will be different when the storm is over is hard to say, but wow, what people are angry right now (on an English language link is accepted so check here ). Well, it will mean Wikimedia Commons , the repository for free images and other media used by the other projects for illustrations and more. Jimbo Wales , founder of Wikipedia and Wikimedia, have gone in there and started a mass deletion of images with adult content. Because people perceive that the central element of the Wikimedia projects is that they are not censored and that they are governed by consensus (about), and because, despite all the material remains on the servers, there are some technical problems with the Reset it is now being made - many people think that this was not so successful (I agree well with, I think, if anyone is interested). See discussion on Swedish Wikipedia's main discussion site 'Village Pump' (possibly archived, if you read this a few months), and another that is linked to from there. Right exciting, I think.
  4. Happ, which was given my time over. Pick of the car, which moments any time to go to Lise's Garden Days with parents. Fun, fun, blog finally ... (And "now" will probably not be "now" in my "blog pretenses"; thus outside Livejournal - can not keep up with that klippoklistrandet right now, I think, maybe even before midnight.)
  5. first only: coffee, one can say a lot about. Maybe you want someone to remind me to do it sometime? No, as I said, now I may stop we heard hello hello ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life Expectancy Large Throat Cancer

"Diving Into Wikipedia teaser: Staffan Goethe

/ Me is underwriting Goethe

More on Wikipedia adventures Should Be upcoming. Hopefully.